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New Faces: May 2022

written by
Katie Barnes

A big SR welcome to our New Faces for May!



Petite Model - Chess

Chess has been modelling for 12 years. After doing it as a favour for a friend that owned a big business in Malta, she moved to London to pursue the career professionally. She has worked with clients including LoveHoney, Boots, Rolls Royce, Stella Artois, M&S, Vera Wang Bridal and Berta Bridal. If you request Chess for a casting you may get to see her little sausage dog who she says "loves to inappropriately get involved in casting videos. The outtakes are pretty funny!"

What has been your favourite modelling job so far?

"I love any job that challenges me and pushes me out of my comfort zone. I love being a woman and unapologetically celebrating that, so LoveHoney was definitely something I enjoyed. Wearing incredible designers like Vera Wang and Berta are always great shoot days!"

Do you have any other professions outside of modelling?

"Yes, I am a singer and songwriter. I write songs for other artists, producers and for film, TV and games. I also sing my own songs; I've been singing forever and it's a huge part of me".

What do you love about having Sandra Reynolds as your agency?

"Sandra Reynolds and my values really align and I think that is really important. They are inclusive, kind, and ambitious - a killer trio for the trajectory of success!"

See more Petite Models here


Female Model - Ffion

Ffion began modelling 7 years ago. She tells us, "I got into modelling through my dance career. It started with paying for photoshoots for my dance portfolio and then as I posted these on my Instagram, brands began to reach out to me with interest and it just progressed from there".

What clients have you previously worked with?

"I have worked with Adidas, Rebook, NOVMBR Swimwear and starred in a French Montana music video. My favourite job so far has been the shoot for NOVMBR Swimwear as it was in Ibiza so I got to spend a few days there and I’m the biggest lover of travelling and seeing the world".

What are your interests/hobbies outside of work?

"My main interest outside of work would definitely be fashion and styling. I’m a fashion lover and styling outfits just makes me happy and excited! My hobbies include shopping, lunch/dinners with my favourite people, going to the gym and dance classes and travelling whenever I get the chance".

What would your advice be to new models?

"Never give up on your dream and always know your worth!"

See more Female Models here


Real Model - Caitlin

NHS doctor, Caitlin began modelling while studying at medical school. She was initially scouted at the age of 14 but she says, "I was too shy to pursue it at the time, so only began taking on jobs a few years ago and have not been represented by an agency until this year".

What made you get into modelling?

"It initially started as more of a freelance job whilst I was studying at medical school, however, I am now reconsidering my career options having realised that being a doctor may not be the right fit for me. I have loved my past experiences modelling, so decided to pursue it further as it allows me to work with really creative and interesting people. I like the energy and pace of being in the studio and enjoy the busyness of it".

What has been your favourite modelling job to date?

"My favourite modelling job so far has probably been for The Body Shop as it was my first international campaign. It was so exciting having people I know from all over the world, send me images from it!"

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

"When I’m not working I like spending time with my friends, going out for dinner and drinks or to gigs. I also enjoy doing yoga and generally keeping fit. I’m a keen runner and am currently training for a half marathon, having only just got back into longer distances after recovering from a knee injury".

See more Real Models here


Female Model - LouLou

See more Female Models here


Real Model - Callum

See more Real Models here


Classic Model - Annie

See more Classic Models here


Male Model - Harry

See more Male Models here


Female Model - Abbie

See more Female Models here

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written by Katie Barnes

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